Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I was sitting in class on Monday, waiting for my professor to arrive. I always sit beside the same girl. We're not great pals or anything, but we talk occasionally, wave to each other in the halls. That sort of thing. So anyway, we were just sitting there, and I heard her saying to one of the Irish guys in my class, "Yeah, it took me a long time to get drunk on Saturday." Did everyone just do a double take at their computer screen? Because I sure did. I remember thinking, Wait a second, isn't this girl a freshmen? Yes, my naivete is quite sad. So I said, " were trying to get drunk?" And she answers in this totally nonchalant voice, "Oh, yeah. Took me a while, though." HOLD THE PHONE! Here is the first disturbing part of this conversation: the fact that getting drunk was a state that she ASPIRED to attain. Pardon me, but I thought most people tried to avoid being drunk??? It gets worse. I say, "How old are you?" "Eighteen." Ok, let's forget the fact that she was underage. Then she says, "But my mom says she doesn't care as long as I don't drive." That mom needs to be shot. Why would you encourage your daughter to drink to the point of intoxication? That's like injecting Clorox into your brain! I just can't decide what I'm devastated more about in this exchange-the fact that my freshmen friend gets drunk routinely, the fact that her mother knew and didn't care, or the fact that I was surprised. It appears that I still have a lot to learn about the world....but I'm not sure I want to.


The Buckland Fiddler said...

Some people just don't seem to have a brain!