Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Way of the Sore Samurai

Well, folks, yesterday was an interesting day. I got up, very grumpy because I had to go to my first self-defense class. The idea of going to a class on Saturday morning was highly repugnant to me, and I complained about it with fervor. Still, there was no choice. I had to go. So I dressed in my "Don't talk to me when I'm talking to myself" t-shirt and headed down to the church where the class was being held. Thankfully, I didn't have to drive all the way down to Crichton. When I got there, I met up with my friend Rachel, and we headed into the class. To my great relief, all of the students were girls, while the class was being taught by three 50-year-old men who weren't terribly frightening, despite the black belts they wore that inspired a certain amount of awe. After giving out our contact information, our instructors proceeded to lead us in a series of stretches that I haven't done in years. Thankfully, a lot of them were the same as what I had done in ballet a few years ago, so I wasn't completely helpless. I was also pleased that despite my bodily changes since then, I could still bend and have some balance. The rest of the lesson was taken up in our instructors demonstrating how self-defense was important, and what to do in certain situations. They then showed us how to take our fighting stances, how to make a proper fist, and how to track your opponent. I even learned how to jab and punch! That part was lots of fun. Learning how not to break your hand when punching seem highly useful. However, after an hour and a half of this, I was really sore. The class is going to be fun, but I have a feeling that it's going to be taxing. But they say usually in every class they have someone that gets really caught up in it, and becomes a "killer." I have a strong suspicion that it just might be me. I've always wanted to earn a black belt in something, just for confidence and bragging rights, and to know that I will never be helpless. If this class continues to go well, I just might sign up for a class next spring. Can you imagine me with martial arts knowledge? Sweet. Anyway, I've got some other things to blog, but I think I'll let that wait until either tonight or tomorrow. Blessings, and don't get into fights that you can't win!


Anonymous said...


oc said...

Wax on, wax off...