Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What's Your Perfect Day?

"He said the pleasantest manner of spending a hot July day was lying from morning till evening on a bank of heath in the middle of the moors, with the bees humming dreamily about among the bloom, and the larks singing high up overhead, and the blue sky and bright sun shining steadily and cloudlessly. That was his most perfect idea of heaven's happiness: mine was rocking in a rustling green tree, with a west wind blowing, and bright white clouds flitting rapidly above; and not only larks, but throstles, and blackbirds, and linnets, and cuckoos pouring out music on every side, and the moors seen at a distance, broken into cool dusky dells; but close by great swells of long grass undulating in waves to the breeze; and woods and sounding water, and the whole world awake and wild with joy. He wanted all to lie in an ecstasy of peace; I wanted all to sparkle and dance in a glorious jubilee. I said his heaven would be only half alive; and he said mine would be drunk: I said I should fall asleep in his; and he said he could not breathe in mine..." -Wuthering Heights, chapter 24, Catherine and Linton. Opinions, please.


Anonymous said...

LOL....I think you know!!! Actually, I have two, or three, as it were!
#1- At MGM on Tower of Terror with my favorite people, my family! Spending all day at the park in a relaxed way, just having fun.
#2- This has never happened, yet, but I think being in a house on the tlantic Ocean with my family...watching the waves all day, feeling the sun, smelling the salt. Ahhh, that's a perfect day too!
#3- Being at home with my family...hanging out, playing with the dogs, grabbing food when we want, just chilling. That's the best!

The Queen Mother

Bobby said...

I think mine's like yours, Katie, but mine is all forest. Nothing but trees, a river, the sunshine, my bow and my lady. Hallelujah.

Little Girl Blue said...

I have actually experienced SEVERAL perfect days, but I will only mention one.

The day I walked down the stairs at Summit Ministries to see a face that I hadn't in three years. I guess you could say it was a perfect MOMENT. Both Bobby and I had wanted to kiss each other right then and there, but I think maybe we both knew in our hearts that even a kiss at such a perfect moment would have been unnecessary... and then it wouldn't have been a perfect moment.

The moments following (for the rest of the day) both our feet were no where near Earth... they were more like on "Cloud Nine."

Other wonderful days I've had should not be compared to one another. I've loved each one of them... maybe the NOT-SO-Wonderful days have a lack-luster feel to them... but it's the good in the bad that make them worth it... sorry; tangent.
