Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Fog

Violence rises, leering, jeering
Revealing the truth in all of us
Unmasks us of our falseness, our justifications
But allowing some gray
Some way.

The fog rises
I know it, for I’ve seen it before
Once in a dream, and once in reality.
It encompasses me, and offers a thin tendril of hope
Is there more to the world?
Can the violence be tempered?
Can the gray be found?
Found in the fog?

Does humanity deserve the fog?
In a world of crisp, clean lines
Do we deserve the chance to lose sight of the rules
To allow the fog to surround us
To forget, be cleansed of the violence
Do we?

What is this fog, this thing that might save us?
What is the masked glory
That strips away all masks? That blurs away all consistencies?
I know it, for I’ve seen it before
Once in a dream, once in reality.
Do you wish to know what the fog offers the world?
It is the hope
The hope of a fairy tale.

Too childish, you cry!
How can fantasy fight
Fight against a cold, cruel world of lines?
It is in fantasy that people can change
Redemption can be found.
With nothing but hope, hell becomes heaven
The beast becomes a king
The unloved becomes the lover.

There is a fog I know, that offers a chance
A chance away from the violence, the lines.
Will you spurn the fairy tale?
Will hope pass you by?
Will you let it?

-Katie Johnson


Bobby said...

BRA-VO! Dang, Katie, but you know how to write! I love it! Undoubtedly the best I've read from you! FANTASY ROCKS!

Halcyon said...

Wow. Where did this come from?

firebirdsinger said...

*big grin* I got it from "In Bruges", silly!