Thursday, May 22, 2008

To Everything There is a Season

I’ve been in a contemplative mood lately, which isn’t all that unusual for me. I believe that writers should be observant, and more highly aware of the emotional elements that are around them than other people. How can you write about human nature when you do not attempt to understand human nature?

However, the things that I’ve been contemplating are not the sort of things that one wants to publish for all the world to see on a blog—all the world meaning everyone from my beloved cousins in Arkansas to weird internet people that peruse other people’s websites just to leer and make creepy comments. Hence my long silence from the blogosphere that I love so well. Still, I find that I miss watching my sister’s face light up when she reads some silly thing I’ve written, and I would truly love to get my mom off my back (love you, Mama!) so I guess I’ll write tonight about one of the smaller things that I’ve been thinking a lot about in the past few days. Yes, children, tonight I’m going to tell you all about some of the goals I have before I get run over by a rampant moose, or however God chooses to remove me from this earth. Knowing the black cloud that seems to loom over my head, the moose alternative seems highly likely. But I digress.

Here is a list of some of the things I want to do. I like making lists, but it is hard for me to organize them, so this list is not entirely accurate in the area of preference. Still, I’m sure you’ll get the general idea.

Before I get become the first person in history to die by a light falling out of the ceiling at a movie theater, I want:

To be married and have a family
To dance ballet again, maybe even have a solo en pointe
To sit on a green hill in Ireland
To go into space and see the stars up close
To play “Rhapsody in Blue”
To have a book published
To sing before an audience, songs like “On My Own” and “Learn to Be Lonely” and “Into the West.”
To be an aunt
To learn how to ride a horse and go galloping across a field
To become fluent in a language while living in a foreign country

Here’s hoping that some of these will one day happen.

What are your goals?


Bobby said...

To be married and have a family.
To smile at least once and make at least one other person smile every day.
And there are many other things less important. Welcome back, Kit Kat!

Karen said...

To own a new(er) car again
To go back to Disney with my family
To see the New York skyline
To go to DeSmet South Dakota
To sit on a hill in Ireland with Katie

and many more....

Karen said...
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Karen said...

You already sang "Into the West"....and I have it on tape.... and you were AMAZING. It was hauntingly wonderful.